Tuesday, June 14, 2005

alright, well i dont think i will stop posting =P...anyway i have just been waiting all night for www.macwidgets.net to finally become available, (it had a count down; 12 Days Left, 11 Days Left etc) and so i waited and now its 0 days left, but they have decided to post a little note saying "come back later today for our grand opening!" and im like =o...i want to use it NOW!!! *sigh*...oh well...anyway now ive found from somewhere else this blogger widget for my beautiful mac os x tiger dashboard (konfabulator is gay =P) and im testing if it works...its still in beta so i am going to double check my posts on blogger just to see if they actually have been blogged =P anyway if you can all see this, it worked!!! cya for now ^_^v

dammit it wont let me post without a title!!! stupid thing im not using this anymore till they fix it =(


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