Monday, January 09, 2006

Damien Barrett ( a blogger on TUAW) makes a very good point about mwsf and trying to tell non-mac people the utter importance of it hehe:

Explaining the importance of the Macworld Expo and the Keynote to non-Mac people isn't easy. Heck, I was briefly considering trying to squeeze in an attendance to MWSF this year and therefore risking missing my own twin brother's wedding, but I decided in the end that family (and a nice trip to St. Croix) is a bit more important than the Stevenote. However, the fact that I actually considered doing so means something. MWSF is a pilgrimage; it's the event of the year for many of us; it's religious in nature. Explaining to a layman why this is so important to us just isn't easy. Luckily, Tom Bridge has stepped forward to give us a great post to help us do just that.

(Source: TUAW)


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