wow...just a little thing i noticed about my new macbook pro...i had my light off in my office and my macbook just had its screen asleep (but the machine was still on) anyway i walk in and the light is off, and the front little light on the latch was on as usual (which is something new with the macbooks when their displays sleep), but when i turned the light on, the light turned brighter, but still remained steady. i thought it was sleeping and just pulsing coincidentally at the same time i turned the light on, but no, i turn it off and the light dims...turn the light on and the light brightens! i dont quite know what use it would have, other than prolonging the led in the latch and saving the
very miniscule amount of power it needs to run, but it does tell me one thing...considering apple were praised for their original ibooks, with people saying "apple have thought about this machine, all the way down to the latch"...well now they have gone a step further and have thought about this machine all the way down to the latch
light ;) (corny i know but meh)