Sunday, April 02, 2006

omg...i was just in the city, driving the right way along murray street, when i see in the distance some stupid female driver driving the WRONG WAY right towards me! i slow down a tad and beep my horn, and still she keeps on truckin. so i keep driving also, cos i SO know who's insurance company is gonna be paying, and then she flashes her lights. so i stop and put my hazards on (i could have switched lanes, but i like inciting anger in other people when i know i will any argument that will ensue), get out and yell at her (who has also stopped about 3 ft in front of my car) "OI - you cant GO this way, its a frikken ONE WAY STREET" which her reply was "i think you are in my way!"...and then i started to get irritated and yelled at her (she is only about 5 metres from me lol) "can you SEE THE DIRECTION OF THE PARKED CARS?? YOU ARE GOING - THE - WRONG - WAY!!"

at this point i just get back in my car and beep my horn, and she reverses, pulls into the nearest shop driveway (i speed off past her) and i assume she turns her car around.


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