Tuesday, November 07, 2006

ok now here's something weird. my mother received a letter in the mail today that came in a hand addressed envelope from a company we hadn't heard of before. inside, is a document with a letter stapled to the front, telling us of fee changes for our account with them.

here are the weird things:

- the company is a financial services company we haven't heard of before
- at the very top is the date, which for some reason reads 25th of august. that is 3 months ago.
- at the top, my mother's name is written, but the name and address of my father's company underneath, where my mother has never worked. whats even a little stranger is the "GPO Box" bit was actually written with a lowercase (not small-caps) 'p' and 'o', so it read "Gpo Box"
- next to the address etc is my mother's birthdate and some weird 10 digit number handwritten, in a different handwriting to what was written on the front of the envelope
- the whole front cover letter that this is all written on, looks like it has been stapled, and then the staple has been picked out, and that had been done a few times.

very weird. we cant figure out what any of it means or what to do about it...


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